writersnoonereads: Recent and forthcoming books and reprints by...

Recent and forthcoming books and reprints by previously-covered authors:
Mynona (The Creator from Wakefield Press; also see translator Peter Wortsman’s anthology Tales of the German Imagination from the Brothers Grimm to Ingeborg Bachmann)
Mary Butts (The Complete Stories, with a preface by John Ashbery, from McPherson and Co.)
Alejandra Pizarnik (A Musical Hell and Extracting the Stone of Madness from New Directions; Diana’s Tree from Ugly Duckling)
Rosemary Tonks (Bedouin of the London Evening: Collected Poems from Bloodaxe)
Juan Jose Saer (La Grande from Open Letter Books, their third Saer book translated by Steve Dolph)
Paul Scheerbart (Glass! Love!! Perpetual Motion!!! from University of Chicago Press and Rakkóx the Billionaire and The Great Race from Wakefield)
Arkady and Boris Strugatsky (The Dead Mountaineer’s Inn forthcoming from Melville House)
Jules Renard (Poil de Carotte reprint from Godine)
Alfred Kubin (Dedalus finally reprinted Mike Mitchell’s translation of The Other Side)
Stanley Crawford (The Canyon: A Novel forthcoming from University of New Mexico Press)
Hob Broun (Open Road published ebooks of his work, apparently after reading David Winters’ guest post (!))
Gisèle Prassinos (The Arthritic Grasshopper and Other Tales from Wakefield and Surrealist Texts from Black Scat Books)
Tom Whalen (The Straw That Broke from Black Scat)
Cioran & Leo Perutz (Arcade/Skyhorse has reprinted many books by Cioran and Perutz)
Gherasim Luca (Self-Shadowing Prey from Contra Mundum Press)
Stefan Grabinski (Motion Demon and Passion; see StefanGrabinski.org)
Walter de la Mare (Told Again, with an intro by Philip Pullman, Princeton University Press)
Felisberto Hernandez (Piano Stories reprint from New Directions)
Henri Michaux (Thousand Times Broken from City Lights; Life in the Folds forthcoming from Wakefield)Robert Aickman (Will's spreadsheet to keep track of Aickman’s stories and the recent Faber reprints)
12/8 update: Jürgen von der Wense (A Shelter for Bells: From the Writings of Jürgen von der Wense, edited and translated by Kirston Lightowler and Herbert Pfostl, forthcoming in 2015 from Epidote Press; issue 2 of Reliquiae features excerpts)
12/10 update: Vincent O'Sullivan (in 2013, Solis Press reprinted The Good Girl (1912), a book admired by Robert Aickman and John Cowper Powys)
12/22 update: Nicholas Moore (Shoestring Press recently published Moore’s Selected Poems)
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