You know you are a writer when...

The notes and sticky notes

You know you are a writer when you have loads of sticky notes,note paper,and scrap paper laying around your desk. That image you see is actually notes and some books i hope to write. To be honest it is like 6 or 7 books in there i need to put into rough draft ,and   final draft.

When you are oldschool like me. You do not want to use apps or ipads or laptops. You  brainstorm your books down on a piece of paper. Then you do the same thing for like 10 of your future books then of course you get busy with life. You then have a huge pile of paper you do not want to let go of until your transcribe these notes. 

That is me in a nutshell as i cannot wait until i have these books in final draft ready to publish. How many of you do the same thing? How many of you jot down your thoughts throughout the day and then end up with a whole bunch of pieces of papers  at night bound together by rubber bands? Yes it can get that hectic as a writer. So that is my story and i am sticking to it. As a writer it is part of my dna it is my writers life. I go through this on a daily basis.Share your thoughts on how you write your books. Id love to hear about them. just comment below. So join in on the discussion.

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