Why being a writer isn't what you think it is.


I  want to take some time out of my busy writing schedule to wish everyone a merry Christmas. I remember when I was little Christmas used to be fun. Id wake up like 5am before anyone else did to see what presents Santa put under the tree. This was way back when I still believed in Santa. Fast forward to now and we still celebrate it, but it really is just for our kids. As, soon as the kids finish opening their presents I usually retreat to my desk so I can finish writing and working on my manuscripts. Again merry  Christmas to everyone and let us hope that 2021 is a great year for all of us after the disaster of 2020.


If you only knew

So, you want to be a writer? You have a bunch of book ideas in your head you want to publish one day. Well that sounds great, just before you make that plunge,  Ive got some news for you. I will give you the bad news first. The bad news is you will not be rich from your writing, the bottom line is you may do well in the beginning one of your books may hit the best seller list. After that happens sales will  drop off, you will be making pennies a month. Hey, you'd make more money at Mcdonalds if money was what you were after.


The good news

Now the good news. While you will not make much money you will have lots of writing. That is what we do as, writers we pour our soul into every word, every sentence, every chapter  during a few months span until the ink has dried up. We then spend some time editing and proofreading, if we are lucky we send it off to a few beta readers. We finally hit that publish button to make it available for anyone in the world to purchase it. We exhale for a few minutes. We have a glass of red wine. Maybe we take a break from writing for a few days. Then we are at it again writing our next masterpiece  for another 3 to 4 months we then rinse and repeat and rinse and repeat until  all of our library of books have been published. At first glance it may seem like a lot of work, but you are writing only what you love so it can be very rewarding and inspiring.


Release that story inside your head.


So, now you know writing may not be  what you thought it was , but that should not stop you from saving the world. Please  tell your story. Everyone has a story to tell, I know your inner self is telling you about this great manuscript you have in your mind. I hope you do not stop after you just write that one memoir about yourself. Please feel free to venture out of your comfort zone and maybe write a few novels or maybe you have a few thrillers or mysterious up your sleeve. Maybe you have a dark side in you and you want to scare us with a horror story. Whatever it is you feel the world needs to read right now, that will save the world, please write it! I am waiting to read it. I would even read it and review it for you. So, you now have no excuse to  not start writing!


As, always i want this to be interactive, so please share your thoughts with me about this post in the comments below.

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