3 questions every writer should be able to answer.


Writing as, you know can be challenging for some, it can be easy for others. Some people get writers block after they have been staring at a blank screen for a while. Other writers have no problem writing and publish multiple books every month or every few weeks.


Question #1

Do you have what it takes to write? Writing is not for everyone as, I stated in the intro. It can be challenging and frustrating at times if you are unable to focus.You really need to be strong willed to be able to shut out the everyday world and turn off all your devices and distractions like, the telephone, the television and be disciplined and write for a few hours a day. So, if you want to be a writer you have to be able to disciplined  remain focused on writing and let your creative juices flow in your mind.


Question #2

Can you write the perfect outline?


A perfect outline can make or break your book. So, can you make one that strives? Let me give you a few tips on writing your outline. A outline is basically the order of each chapter of how and when they will appear in your manuscript and your books. So, you have to think real hard about your story and the plot and make sure you not only put each chapter in the  right section, you also have to make sure it makes sense. And lastly you also have to choose chapter titles that will engage you and inspire you to write freely! Does it flow? Flow is important, imagine you are writing a book how to build a house  from scratch and the first chapter in your outline is putting the roof on the house. The last chapter is putting the windows on the house. The chapter that is supposed to be the conclusion is talking about building the basement. You get the picture! Flow is important and this book will be a disaster if the outline is not fixed. Obviously the first chapter would be about laying down the foundation.


You also want to think about chapter titles in your outline where you are able to write freely, because the more you can write the sooner you will finish your book. If you have chapter titles in your manuscript that you have trouble writing any content, then it is best to rewrite the outline until you are able to write freely.


Question #3

Do you have somewhere quiet to write 2 to 3 hours a day?


Whenever I write I can only write either around midnight or 4am when everyone is sleeping. When we write we are using our inner self, you also need to be in peace with your inner  self. I am not sure about you, but when I write I cannot hear dishes in the kitchen, someone cooking, the sound of the television on, the phone ringing and the answering machine coming on, or the voice activated caller ids voice, or your smart phone sending you a notification, or a delivery truck driving by your house or landscapers working at your neighbors house. As, soon as I heard any of that I would lose my train of thought in my mind. So, im sure you are the same way their are things you hate to hear as-well . So you need to find your happy space of when you can write freely and your mind can be free. Once you find that time, you have to make sure you run your errands ahead of time because that is your only time to write that day. The last thing you'd want to happen is you sit down to write, but forgot to run to the supermarket. You then go to the supermarket, you get back home as, soon as you are about to write the family returns home leaving you unable to write and hold a thought in your mind.



So those are three things every writer should be able to answer and have a answer for each of these. I hope I answered your questions about what it takes to be a writer. Please if you are a writer please share three things writers should know that I did not mention here in the comments section. Lets keep this conversation going in the comments section. Until then I will see you soon..

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