What would you like me to write next?




This blog post is  for you, You my fans. I want to know  from you what type of book would you want me to write next? Tell me? Ultimately I write for you, I do not write for myself. I write for your pleasure,  for your education, to inform you, to inspire you, to enlighten you, to teach  you new things. That is who I write for.


Look at my book catalog here.

 and tell me is there a spin off or series you'd like me to write about of any of my books?



What do you like and not?

Tell me what you hate in a story? Tell me what you love in a story?  Why am i asking you all this? So I can write that perfect book and that perfect for you soon!


Is there a book I have wrote you'd like me to turn into a series?


Do you  like my writing style and would like me to write a book about…….? Tell me what that book is and I will write it. Yes you heard from me correctly,  whatever book you decide on it will be next from me!


Leave your comments below and tell me what your book ideas are. The comments that gets the most votes will be the next book from me. Thanks Dalton.

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