Read a sample of What men want in a Woman for free.
I know from first hand experience that it is not that fun when women for some reason do not understand you. They have these preconceived notions about you that are never true. You try and talk to them and tell them that that is not you!
You are not that guy. You are different. They still for some reason feel they already know you and have you figured out like their favorite book. You know you are not the typical guy, but for some reason they refuse to figure you out because they just feel you are like all the rest of the guys they have been with, who have been terrible to them!
That is why i wrote the book for Women so once they read it they will know what we really want. Below is a free preview of the book you can read now. Feel free to share it with anyone who will benefit from it. So they too can understand us guys out there.
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