Has self publishing changed me at all?
Believe it or not I'm still the same person I was before I started my self publishing career. I'm not rich, I'm not a millionaire and I'm not poor or homeless. I'm somewhere in between and I'm happy with that fact and happy with myself, and I enjoy writing.
Writing for me was never to be rich, it was always to help people, solve problems to learn and just escape from reality for a while and immerse themselves in a good read of mine. I feel my writing has gotten better over time since I published my first book, Raised Smart.
A few of my new books will actually be available on preorder soon.To me writing is fun, I enjoy getting my words and wisdom to people who need it, to ultimately help them in whatever endeavor they are in.
What would I have done differently in my writng and self publishing?
That is a good question. Actually I would not really have changed much. Though, I would have changed just a few things if I had the opportunity to go back in time, in a time machine.
I would have published books at a faster rate, maybe built up more of a following of raving fans before I published my first book instead of being a unknown author. Maybe also would have created more of a series from my catalog. But all and all I'm not mad at myself I believe everything happens for a reason, and we can always learn from our mistakes.
What are some tips I'd give new authors?
Make sure you have like 10 books already written when you publish your first book. This way you can spend your days writing new books while you publish one of your older books each month. I'm not sure people or new authors know this but, the faster you publish on Amazon.com/Kindle the faster they start promoting your books, if they are doing well of course. If you are like me and the rest of the world who publish once every 10 months then Amazon puts you at the bottom of the search results and no one will ever see them. Also do not waste your time in those Facebook groups that claim to be run by book lovers. They are not run by book lovers! They are run by affiliate marketers and no one will buy your book. Facebook used to be good like 12 years ago, when you could post with a hash tag and be seen by millions. Now you have to pay to be seen on Facebook when you make a public post. They used to just charge people to advertise, now they charge users who make a post!
What keeps me motivated?
Knowing that my words have helped someone with, relationships, parenting, or finding love, or building a stronger relationship. My writing is very informative and I take great pride in knowing I was able to help someone with any issues they were having. I am the type of person if I can help you I will.
Did I ever feel like giving up?
Writing is like going on a actors audition. You go and go and you get rejected and rejected. You are at the audition and they see you and they just say okay next! Or better yet you never get a call back. The same thing with writing we write book after book, people see our books on Amazon or Barnes and Noble or Apple and they see no reviews so they go to the next book. Even though our writing is on par with some of these established writers who are with the big publishing houses and been writing for many years. We still do not get the love and respect, and we get overlooked. Yes it happens to all of us but you have to stay strong and think positive because eventually we will get the credit we deserve. So yes while it can be frustrating at times and depressing it has the potential to be very rewarding in the near future, so giving up is not an option unless you want to be a failure.
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