Some useful articles and podcasts i found for new authors

Writing can be tough at times. Sometimes as, a writer you get lost in the shuffle so to speak of. You do not know where to turn, which way to look. Sometimes writers block creeps in.We may struggle with finding the perfect book cover or book designer. As, a writer we go through different emotions from depression to discouragement to doubting ourselves, to ultimately putting all that behind us to write our 70k word masterpiece and publish it on or or wherever you decide to publish your novel.

Writing is fun, but still hard work, so with that said i have a short curated list of some helpful links that can be of help to some new and inspiring self published authors.  I really hope some of these can help you out below and i will be curating some more articles from the web when i find something that is useful for new authors. So, pretty much this will be an ongoing post of mine here on my blog to help you out! Remember we all were new at some point in our career, and no one person knows everything, not only that, but we are all on different levels with our writing and it is essential to always give back and help out authors who need some advice who may not have known certain things. You know the world wide web is a guge place no one person can ever read every article on it, it would be impossible. So, that is why i am curating this for you today. I hope you found some of these useful. Feel free to comment on these and lets continue the discussion.

Interview On Audio For Authors. Joanna Penn With Kobo Writing Life 

How To Stay Creative In Difficult Times With Mark McGuinness

How to Self-publish and Market a Children’s Book: now available in print or as an eBook

How Authors Can Make an Income from 1,000 True Fans, With Orna Ross and Joanna Penn: Advanced Self-Publishing Podcast

The Ultimate Guide to Mailing Lists for Authors Part 2: Growing a Reader Mailing List


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