Am Writing


People always ask me what are you writing?What are you working on? What is your wip? When i run into people and friends on the street  and on social media it never fails. So, today i  decided to have a short blog post here to include with my fans what i am currently working on.

So, feel free to check back here. This way you will always be in the know of what i am writing. Maybe you are curious to get the next ebook or paperback in a series. Maybe you want to mail it to a loved one because of the situation we are in with the pandemic.Maybe you liked one of my previous books and you are looking for more. Whatever the case is below are the manuscripts i am currently working on and hope to publish soon!

Books that i am writing.

The first book i am working on as we speak is ," How to be the best dad you can be"
Raising a child is an enormous task, it is not for anyone. Anyone can father kids but, every man cant be a Dad.

This book is for any father who wants to be the best father he can be and then some. I provide tips and practical solutions any father can start doing right away to be that Super Dad! This book will actually be part of a new series along with Raised Smart.

The second book is for men and women. The book is called, "How to please him and her in the bedroom".
This book is for anyone struggling to keep the fire alive and for the inexperienced lover who does not know how to please your partner sexually. You can get with the girl or man of your dreams, but if you do not know how to keep her or him, the relationship will not last long. This book will be book #3 of the relationship series. The first book in that series is the free book. Stay With Me.  So there is no excuse for you to start reading the relationship series, since it is free.

The third book i am working on is a self help/parenting/non-fiction ebook about finding your love life after the kids are gone. You've raised your children to be the best they can be. You taught them everything you know and they sometimes know more than you. They are finally moving out and on their own. Now it is time to find that loving feeling you and your partner have been missing or it seemed it has disappeared  for the past 18 years! Yes, this book is for every couple out there who wants to know how to re light the fire you had before the kids were born and to bring back that loving feeling!  This book will actually be part of a series with Raised Smart.

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